Professional Editing

Project rates available

Whether you are submitting your research, resume, proposal, or essay, you want to make sure that your work is well received. Editors ensure that your ideas are clear, well written, and compelling.

But different texts are designated for different audiences. So tell me your story. Who are you writing for and why? What is your timeline? Where are you in the process? What are the stylistic requirements?

I am here to help take the next step.

  1. Set up a quick free consultation. Tell me exactly what your needs are, including scope, audience, and time lines.

  2. Email me your text. I will send back one edited page as a sample, along with a price quote. I’ll begin working on your text only once you feel that we are good ‘match’.

  3. Work out the kinks. After you’ve received the suggested edits, we’ll stay in touch to answer your questions and work out any remaining stumbling points in the text.

Automated proofreading solutions aren’t good enough.

Why not just rely on an automated grammar checker, such as grammarly, Google Docs, or Microsoft Word? Here’s why:

Consider the following sentence:

The grammar check overlooks some of the more intricate elements of precise language usage, and it often leads to a lack of clarity and concision.

Notice anything problematic? No? Neither did grammarly, Google Docs, and Microsoft Word.

Now try to answer this question based on the sentence above: What exactly leads to a lack of clarity and concision?

The grammar check? That the grammar check overlooks certain elements? 

The sentence could be a lot clearer and shorter if the correct grammatical structures were employed. If instead of “it,” which is a pronoun that functions as a reference to a single word, we use the flexible descriptive word “leading” (a present participle), which can modify the entire idea preceding the comma, then suddenly the sentence becomes clear:

The grammar check overlooks some of the more intricate elements of precise language usage, often leading to a lack of clarity and concision.

This is just one example of what an automated system does not do for you.

If you want your writing to be the best it can be, schedule a call today.

Project rates available